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Wednesday 4/27/22

Abdominal Circuit:

Bodyweight (2x20)

-Leg Roatations

-Reverse Superman

-Ground KTE

Temple Construction:

17min. AMRAP

31 Double Unders

11 Barbell Pullovers (70/50)

13 Scoop Toss (20/15)

Tyler Y.-530# x2 DL/ 4rds (RX@ 25# SB, singles x2)

Matthew S.-strength

JP-7rds+46 reps (tuck J, 60#)

John M.-5rds+31 reps (17.5 # KB Swings, 10# plate pullovers, singles x1)

KK-257 reps (Wallballs)-Mon.

Corbin-155# x3 PJ/ 6rds+35 reps (1/2 singles, 1/2 tuck J)

Colton-135# x3 PJ/ 6rds+36 reps (1/2 singles, 1/2 tuck J)

Kim-5rds+8 reps (30#, RX+@20# SB)

Raiden-300# x2 pause Bench/

Matthew D.-5rds+10 reps RX+(25# SB)

Jake S.-255# x5 Back Sq/ strength

Kannon-85# x4 Incline/ 8rds+1 rep (1/2 singles, 1/2 tuck J, RR, walk backs)-Tue.

Lincoln-100# x4 Incline/9rds+13 reps (1/2 singles, 1/2 tuck J, RR, walk )-Tue.

Greysen-85# x4 Incline/ 9rds+14 reps (1/2 singles, 1/2 tuck J, RR, walk backs)-Tue.


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