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Tuesday 2/15/22


Bench Press


Temple Construction:

Happy Birthday Carpenter

17min. EMOM

Rds 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15, 17 start w/ 9 Man Makers (soft count)

In remaiining time, how many pop & drop can you complete.

Rds 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16

start w/9 Pull Ups

In remaining time, how many reverse crunches.

Chad-245#/ 376 reps RX

Casen-120# x1/ 409 reps (25#, green)

Jane-120# x2/ 280 reps (red)

Tara-115#/ 199 reps (white+green, 20#)

Zac S.-175# x8 Bench/ 593 reps RX

Melanie-95# x1/ 215 reps (white+green, 15#)

Victoria-55# x2/ 293 reps (1/2 orange+green, 1/2 RR, 15#)

Ashton-180# x7 Bench/ 60# x7 Db incline/ 7rds+36 reps (17min. AMRAP of 10 stationary dips, 25# plate leg drives, orange, reverse crunches)

Rainer-215# x5 Front Sq/

Kyrin-115# x5 Front Sq/

Charr-398 reps RX

Tyler Y.-315# x5 pause Bench

Kevin-160# x2 / 370 reps (green, 20#)

Kestin-90# x2/ 468 reps (green, 20#)

Emily-120#/ 273 reps (RR, 20#)

Ben S.-210#/ 640 reps RX

Curtis-315# x2/ 31:20 (2-hand hold)-"Sweet Hearts"


Amy L.-130#/ 385 reps RX

Matthew D.-295#/ 307 reps RX

Marla-110#/ 294 reps (RR, 20# )

KK-130#/ 33:29 (2-hand hold, 16in.)-"Sweet Hearts"

Colton-180# x1/ 397 reps (orange, 30#)

Corbin-165#/ 475 reps (orange, 30#)

Raiden-315# x1/ Pause Bench/ 265# x3 Closegrip

Scarlett-58#/ 414 reps (orange+green, 15#)

JP-200# x2/ 530 reps (30#)


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