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Thursday 4/7/22


Box Step Ups


Temple Construction:

Death by:

-Cal Row

-Man Makers (w/ no press)(35/25)

-Box Jumps (24/20)

JP-155# x3 HC/ 207 reps RX

Charles-45#/ 90 reps (10in.)

Ashton-215# x2 HC/ 136# x2 PS/ 203 reps RX

Blake-230# x1 HC/ 145# x2 PS/ 123 reps RX

KK-215# x3 Back Sq/ 142 reps RX

Candice-63#/ 21:00 (58#, 26# KB tri ext.)-Tue.

Curtis-315# x4 Bench/ 21:12 RX+(175#)-Tue.

Brooke-43# x5 Back Sq/ 90 reps (15# DB, 12 in.)

Casen-125# x3 PC/ 251 reps (30#)

Victoria-68# x3 HC/ 121 reps (15#)

Kevin H.-143 reps (30#)

Carpenter-185# x2 HC/


Kestin-53# 3 PS/ 101 reps (20#)

Amy L.-

Kim-225# x5 DL/ 123 reps (10in.)

Matthew D.-225# x13 reps/ 144 reps RX

Raiden-155# PC form work/ 4rds+27 reps (60 jump rope, orange stationary, 14# MB)-Fri.

Colton-165# x3 HC/ 196 reps RX

Corbin-165# x1 HC/ 277 reps RX

Scarlett-73#/ 189 reps (15#)


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