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Thursday 3/11/21


1-Leg Squat


Temple Construction:

work=7 min.-6 min.-5 min.

rest=1:30-1 min.

12 Lateral Band Jumps (24/20)

12 1-arm DB Hang Snatch (50/35) (6ea. arm)

8 Pate get Ups (35/25)

JP-215# x4 DL/ 120# x3 HC

Shelley-55#/ 8rds (20# DB, 12 in., 15# plate Sq J)

Katrina-70#/ 5rds+36 reps (20# DB, 12in.)

Emily-70#/ 5rds+7 reps (25# DB, 12in., 15# plate)

Krissy-85#/ 6rds+1 rep (20# DB, 14in., 15# plate)

Candice-105#/ 7rds RX

Curtis-295# x4 Back Sq/ 7rds+12 reps RX

Jeanette-7rds+12 reps (30# DB)

Andrea-205# x4 RDL/ 170# x7 Back Sq/ 2000m Row (9:51)

Kyrin-115# x1 HC/

Kim-125# x10 Back Sq/ 5rds+12 reps (30# DB, 12in.)

Aidan-10# x4 HS/ 4rds (10# bar HS, 14in., 10# plate Sq J)

Samantha-25# x4 HS/ 8rds+12 reps (20# bar HS, 14in., 10# plate Sq J)

Chris-95# x5 Back Sq/ 5rds+24 reps (35# KB Swings, 15# plate Sq J)

Valor-air squats x7/ 6rds (8in., 35# KB Swings, air squats)

Brion-125# x3 PC/

Jane-80#/ 5rds+15 reps RX-Wed.

Charr-7rds RX+(25#)-Wed.


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