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Thursday 12/9/21


Box Step Ups


Temple Construction:

FGB Style (4x1 min. each)

1:00 Cal Row

1:00 KB Swings (53/35)

1:00 Pop & Drop (10 sec. on/ 10 sec. off)

1:00 Box Jumps (24/20)

1:00 Rest

Jane-170# x2 Back Sq/ 29:46 RX-Wed.

Charles-65# x2 OHS/ 192 reps (9 in.)

Kent-13:55 (4rds Only, bdwt Sq J)-Wed.

Krissy-105# x1 CG/ 7rds+8 reps (singles, split PU & dips)

Victoria-63# x5 DL/ 313 reps (17.5#, 16in)

Matthew S.-402 reps RX

Zac S.-185# x3 OHS/ 19:44 RX-Wed.

Charr-19:44 RX+(155/145#)-Mon.

Tara-271 reps (16in.)

KK-281 reps (16in.)

JP-145# x1 PC/ 381 reps RX/ 255# x3 DL

Kim-230# x2 DL/ strength

Rainer-215# x2 PC/ strength

Marla-317 reps (26# KB, leg drives, quick step ups)

Dylan-160# x3 PC/ strength

Kai-170# x3 PC/ strength

Kane-170# x3 PC/ strength

Luke-135# x3 PC strength

Layton-456 reps (26# KB, 20in.)

Ethan M.-145# x3 PC/ strength

Raiden-465# x3 Back Sq/ 157 reps (3rds Only, Front Sq, leg drives)


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