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Thursday 11/18/21


RDL or Gluteham Rise or Reverse Hypers

5-5-5-5 7-7-7 10-10-10-10

Temple Construction:

2x8min. Intervals (1;30 rest)

8 KB Swings (53/35)

8 KB Lunges (53/35)

28 Double Unders

12 Ring Rows

Zac S.-18:55 RX+(35# for 2rds)-"Turkey Love"

Jane-175# x3 Back Sq/ 6rds+25 reps (halo, red, 16in.)-Wed.

Emily-135# x5 RDL/ 4rds+46 reps (singles, angled RR, 26# lunges)

KK-Gluteham Raise/ 4rds+26 reps (singles, angled RR, 26# lunges)

Charr-7rds+10 reps RX-Wed.

Carpenter-120# x3 PP/ strength

Parker-80# x2 PS/ strength

Layton-160# x4 FS/ strength

JP-150# x4 FS/ strength

Chuck-315# x3 DL/ strength

Amy L.-8rd+4 reps RX+(split Sq Jumps)

Kim-170# x5 RDL/ strength

Marla-145# x5 RDL/ 4rds+16 reps (Leg Drives x8, 18 Cal Row, angled RR)

Blake-205# x3 PP/ strength

Raiden-425# x5 Back Sq/ 3rds (10min. AMRAP, 205# x5 FS, 56 singles, 12 RR)


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