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Thursday 10/27/22


Box Step Ups


Temple Construction:

15min. EMOM

Rds 1-5

25 Double Unders

? KB Swings (53/35)

Rds 6-10

10 Pop, Drop, and Squat

? Slamballs (20/15)

Rds 11-15

6 Burpee Scoop Toss (20/15)

? Double Unders

Charles-265# x2 Bench/ 35:35 (Row, 3rds @ 35# DB, 4rds @ 30# DB)-Tue.

Lincoln P.-Abs & Strength

Krissy-55# x2 HS/ 7rds (53# FS, 10# MB, 12in.)-Mon.

Zach G.-364 reps RX

Stephanie-33#/ 284 reps (26# KB, 10# MB, singles)

Parker H.-14# x3 Bench/ strength

Kestin-190# x3 DL/ 255 reps (35# KB, 15# MB, no burpees, singles)

Katrina-43#/ 369 reps (step ups)

Raiden-275# x2 Incline/ 185# x4 Seated Sh Press/ 295# x2 KB Balance Bench (70# KB on ea. end)

Colton-365# x1 DL/ 195# x5 RDL/ 53# x8 DB Bench Pulls


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