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Monday 3/7/22




Temple Construction:

work=7 min.-6 min.-5 min.

rest=1:30-1 min.

5 Hang Squat Clean (115/75)

12 Plate Jack Knives (25/15)

10 Ring Rows (w/ 5sec. hold @ top in the middle)

Katrina-190#/ 7rds+5 reps (58#)

Jane-215#/ 6rds+2 reps RX

Ben S.-335#/

Zac S.-295#/ 10rds+5 reps RX

Kevin H.-315#/ 7rds+6 reps (95#, angled RR)

Carpenter-365#/ 8rds RX+(`35#)

Ashton-245# x3 FS/ 8rds+8 reps (15# plate)

Rainer-235#/ x3 FS/ 215# x2 HC/

Kyrin-150# x3 FS/ 110# x2 HC/

Scarlett-143#/ 9rds (43#)

Tara-215#/ 7rds (65#, 10# plate, angled RR)

Melanie-200# x1/ 8rds (53#, angled RR)

Candice-165#/ 7rds (63#, 10# plate)

Chad F.-380#/ 11rds RX

McKenzie-143#/ 9rds+18 reps (43#, angled RR)

Connor-355# x2 Back Sq/ 7rds RX

Casen-250#/ 9rds+17 reps (65#, 15# plate, angled RR)

Jim-320#/ 7rds (75#, 15# plate)

Lincoln-93#/ 8rds (33#)

Victoria-143#/ 9rds+17 reps (35#, 10# plate, angled RR)

Parker H.-210# x2 Back Sq/ 10rds (75#, 15# plate)

Raiden-405# x3 DL

Kim-9rds (angled RR)

Amy L.-155# x10 DL/ 11 rds+3 reps RX

JP-225# x2 Back Sq/ 195# x2 Bench/ 21:48 (6rds of 300m Run, 9 Floor Press, 9 Tricep Ext, 12 PLate Jack Knives)

Matthew D.-455#/ 8rds RX+(1/2 @ 135# Hang Sq C, 1/2 @ Hang Sq S)

Colton-295#/ 12rds+17 reps (95#, 15# plate)

Heidi-155#/ 13rds (43#, 10# plate, angled RR)

Austin-245# x4 DL/ 10rds (65#, 15# plate Lil Bigs, angled RR)


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