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Monday 3/29/21


Back Squat


Temple Construction:


rest= 1:30- 1 min.

6 Power Snatch (105/70)

9 Lateral Box Jumps (24/20)

15 MB Crossovers (20/14)

Curtis-305#/ 6rds+6 reps RX

Jane-160#/ 8rds+10 reps (58#, 16in.)

Hillary-53# x6 Back Squat/ 6rds+16 reps ( Didn't do 5 min. Rd, 17.5# KB @ 5rds x8 reps, 2 plate jumps x8, 10# plate Lil Bigs x12)

Zac S.-240#/ 9rds+1 rep RX+(30in.)

Charles-255#/ 4rds+11 reps (2rds @ 95#, 2rds @ 85#, 9in.)

Charr-9rds+3 reps RX+(125#)

Matthew S.-380# x2 DL/ 10rds+2 reps RX

Katrina-90#/ 8rds+2 reps (38#, 12in.)

Krissy-130#/ 6rds+5 reps (35#, 12in.)

Shelley-90#/ 8rds+11 reps (43#, 9in.)

Candice-170#/ 7rds+6 reps (65#, 16in.)

Ben S.-235# x4 FS/ 10rds RX

Carpenter-265#/ strength

Parker-165#/ strength

Tim F.-325#/ 7rds+5 reps RX

Layton F.-225#/ 7rds+2 reps (75#, 14# MB)

Kyrin-145#/ 6rds+9 reps (40#, 20in., 14# MB)

Rainer-245# x3/ strength

Samantha-110#/ 11rds+8 reps (33#, 16in., 10# plate twist)

Aidan-30#/ 8rds (10#, 16in., 10# plate twist)

Amy L.-185#/ 10rds+20 reps RX+(20# MB)

Kim-170#/ 8rds (53#, 12in.)

Brody-255#/ 7rds+6 reps RX

Tory-255#/ 6rds+15 reps (step ups)

Chad-305#/ 8rds+25 reps RX

Jeanette-135#/ 9rds+6 reps (43#)

Collin-225#/ 6rds (75#, 14# MB, 20in.)

Isaac-75#/ 8rds+3 reps (33# HC, 10# MB, 20in.)


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