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Monday 10/10/20


Power Clean


Temple Construction:

2x8min. Intervals (1:30 rest)

6 Hang Snatch (105,115/70,75)

11 Reverse Crunches

11 Inverted Row (reverse grip)

Josh J.-205#/ 8rds+22 reps RX

Jane-80#/ 7rds+3 reps (48#, bent knee)

Charles-140#/ 5rds+6 reps (85#, RR)

Andrew-155#/ 6rds+6 reps (95#)

Curtis-205# x1/ 7rds+20 reps RX

Columba-4rds (8 min. , 26# KB, bent knee)

Ben S.-200#/ 10rds+11 reps RX

Zac S.-175#/ 10rds+11 reps RX

Shannon B.-65#/ 8rds )38#, bent knee)

Krissy-75# x2/ 5rds+5 reps (1/2 @ 38#, 1/2 @ 43#, bent Knee)

Candice-100# x1/ 8rds+6 reps (53#)

Korra-10#/ 12rds (10# HC, RR)

Kason-30#/ 8rds+6 reps (most @ 30# HC, 1/4 @ 25# HC)

Charr-10rds RX+(135#)

Rainer-175# x3 Back Squat

Carpenter-190# x3 Back Squat/

Kyrin-135# x1 Back Squat/ 7rds+1 rep (38#)

Parker H.-140# x2/ Back Squat/

Justin-120#/ 7rds+6 reps (53#)

Wesley-165#/ 11 rds (75#)

Jack-105#/ strength

Layton-125#/ strength

Heidi-70#/ 5rds+ 3reps (45#, bent knee)

Barbara-100# x6 Back Squat/ 9rds+25 reps (35# HC, bent knee)

Andrea-135# x5 Back Squat/ 8rds+17 reps (53# HC, bent knee)

Janette-100# x6 Back Squat/ 8rds (45# HC, bent Knee)

Matthew S.-10rds+3 reps 91/2 @ 105#, 1/2 @ RX)

Hailey F.-105#/ 6rds+8 reps (35# KB, RR)

Hunter-115# x3 Back Squat/ 8rds+3 reps (26# KB, bent knee)

Chase-6rds+5 reps Rx

Chuck-160#/ 6rds+6 reps (85#, bent knee)

Amy L.-175# x4 Back Squat/ 7rds+17 reps RX

Kim-115# x4 Back Squat/ 5rds+19 reps (55#, bent knee)

Scott P.-255#/ 6rds+17 reps RX+(115#)

Brandon-130#/ 6rds+ 9 reps (75#, bent knee)

Melissa-90# x1/ 7rds+6 reps (48#, bent knee)


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