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Friday 12/18/20


Bench Press Breakdown


Temple Construction:

16min. AMRAP

9 Floor Press (165/ 100)

7 Tricep Ext. (80/60)

27 Double Unders

Charles-235/215/195-3rds (54 singles)

Landrie-58/53/48-3rds+16 reps (38# FP, 20# tri ext., singles)

Shannon B.-3rds+16 reps (65# FP, 30# tri ext., singles)

Jane-100/90/80-7rds+4 reps (65# FP, 30# tri ext., singles)

Emily-100/90/80-5rds+22 reps (65# FP, 30# tri ext., singles)



Candice-83/73/63-6rds+10 reps (65# FP, 25# tri ext,. singles)

Curtis-335# x1 Back Squat/ strength

JP-115/105/95-5rds+7 reps (85# FP. 40# tri ext., 1/2 singles, 1/2 tuck J)

Rainer-155# x1 PJ/ strength

Kyrin-85# x2 PJ/ strength

Parker-85# x2 PJ/ strength

Carpenter-135# x1 PJ/ strength

Jeanette-90/80/70-7rds+9 reps (65# FP, 20# tri ext., singles)

Andrea-135/125/115-5rds+16 reps (90# FP, 2rds @60# tri ext., 3rds@ 50# tri ext., singles)

Khari-200/290/180-6rds (2rds @ 145# FP, 4rds @ 135# FP, 53# tri ext., tuck J)


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