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Friday 10/23/20


Shoulder Press


Temple Construction:

16min. AMRAP

10 Hand relese Push Ups

10 Side Box Jumps (24/20)

14 Jack Knives

Landrie-40#/ 4rds+32 reps (16in., bent knee)

Jane-70#/ 7rds+3 reps (14in., bent knee)

Charles-160#/ 4rds+20 reps (8in.)

Charr-8rds+27 reps RX+(2rds @ KTE)

Emily O.-100# x3 Back Squat/ 72# x3 Sh Press/ 6rds+5 reps (14in., scaled JK)

Chuck-105#/ 7rds+3 reps (20in.,bent knee)

Shannon B.-60#/ 7rds+10 reps (8in., on knees, bent knee)

Candice-72#/ 8rds RX

Cassie-80#/ 8rds+3 reps (reg. push Ups)

Chase-135#/ 178 reps (replaced pistols w/ Cal Bike)-Thurs.

Emily A.-80# x2/ 186 reps (replaced pistols w/ Cal Bike)-Thurs.

Columba-5rds+12 reps (12min. Only, 16in., Alt JK)

Hailey F.-156# x2 Back Squat/ 6rds+10 reps (scaled JK)

Tim F.-155# x1/ 9rds RX

Layton F.-100#/ 7rds=15 reps RX

Jack-70#/ 7rds+11 reps (3rds @ scaled JK)

Andrea-95# 95# +orange x5 (4:38 @ 1000m Row)

Barbara-80# +orange x5 (4:53 @ 1000m Row)

Matthew S.-275# x3 FS/ 11rds RX

Amy L.-80#+ orange x6 (band bench)

Kim-50# +orange x5 (band bench)


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