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Thursday 9/3/20


Box Step Ups


Temple Construction:

4x4 min. Intervals (1 min. rest between each)

Rds 1&3

Start w/ 400m Run

In the remaining time, how many Hang Snatches can you complete.

Rds 2&4

Start w/ 50 Wallballs (20/14)

In the remaining time, how many Ring Rows can you complete.

Shannon B.-48# x4 FS/ 225 reps (33#, 10# MB, angled RR)

Jane-45# x3 HS/ 266 reps (33#, 10# MB, angle RR)

Ty-195# x4 CG/ strength

Josh J.-255# x4 Squat/ 6rds+20 reps RX-Wed.

Ben S.-195# x4 CG/ 225# x3 FS/ 253 reps RX

Charles-75#/ 205 reps (65# HS, 14# MB, angled RR)

Cassie-275 reps (75# HC)

Zac S.-271 reps RX

Charr-260 reps RX+(125#)



Cameron W.-105#/ 217 reps (58#)

Andrea-115# x6 Sq/ 199 reps (45# HS, 100m Run, 10# MB, angled RR)

Janette-85# x6 Sq/ 254 reps (153 HS, 300m Run, 10# MB, angled RR)

Brandye-192 reps (50# HC)

Matthew S.-200# x5 Bench/ 293 reps RX+(600m Run)

Tyler Y.-275# x4 Bench/ 138 reps (75# HS, angled RR)

Rainer-120# x2 PP/ strength

Kyrin-75# x1 PP/ strength

Barbara-85# x6 Sq/ 241 reps (30# HS, 100m Run, 10# MB, angled RR)

Amy L.-245# x10 DL/ 258 reps (53# HS)

Kim-170# x10 DL/ 231 reps (45# HS, angled RR)

Perry-45#/ 184 reps RX

Asher-95#/ 232 reps (75# HS, 143 MB, angled RR)

Shannon P.-231 reps (53# HS, angled RR)

Chuck-115#/ 187 reps (75#, angled RR)

Heidi-45#/ 166 reps (33#, 10# MB, angled RR)

Justin-55#/ 162 reps (55# HS, 14# MB)

Blake-165#/ 273 reps RX

Scott P.-strength

Krissy-73#/ 210 reps (33# ,10# MB, angled RR)

Brandon-95#/ 248 reps (65#, 14# MB, angled RR)

Melissa-73#/ 237 reps (30# HS, 10# B, angled RR)

Candice-73#/ 247 reps (38#, 14# MB, angled RR)

Kaston-266 reps

Brady P.-248 reps

Drew-85# x2 HS/ 280 reps (45# HS, 10# MB, angled RR)

Daven-60# x2 HS/ 290 reps (1rd@ 43# HS, 1rd @ 33# HS, 10# MB, angled RR)

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