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Thursday 8/27/20


RDL & Reverse Hypers

5-5-5-5 10-10-10

Temple Construction:

FGB style (4rds for reps)

1:00 Ring Dips

1:00 Cal Row

1:00 Alt. Knee Ups

1:00 Handstep Ups

1;00 Rest

Ty-135#+orange x5/ 432 reps (stationary dips)

Josh J.-155# +orange x3/ 392 reps RX

Charles-239 reps (box dips)

Shannon B.-304 reps (box dips, on knees)

Hailey Z.-300 reps (box dips)

Jane-311 reps (box dips)

Cassie-345 reps (paralette dips)

Zac S.-135+orange+black x3/ 424 reps RX

Ben S.-456 reps RX

Perry-5rds RX-Wed.

Charr-6rds+14 reps RX+(85# curls)-Wed.

Cristi-411 reps (box dips)

Emily-303 reps (box dips)

Curtis-295# x2 Squat/ 337 reps RX

Jnette-80# x6 Bench

Andrea-95# x6 Bench

Rainer-150# x3 FS/ 250# x3 DL Kyrin-90# 3 FS/ 53# x2 HS

Sharon-53#/ 241 reps (3rds Only, box dips, on knees)

Matthew S.-325# x2 squat/ 245# x1 FS/ 5rds+22 reps (65# curls)-Wed.

Brandye-65#/ 255 reps (3rds Only, on knees)

Kim-311 reps (box dips)

Amy L.-392 reps (green)

Asher-316 reps (stationary dips @ green)

Blake-225#x2 PJ/ 372 reps (stationary dips @ green)

Drew-135# x3 FS/ 115# x2 PP

Daven-85# x3 FS/ 75# x2 PP

Brandon-135#/ 309 reps (box dips)

Melissa-68#/ 354 reps (box dips)

Scott P.-285# x1 PJ/ 324 reps RX

Krissy-93#/ 327 reps (box dips)

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