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Tuesday 8/25/20


Power Clean


Temple Construction:

6rds for time:

300m Run

9 Deadlift (205/135)

1x Hop Scotch

1x Scissors

Charles-135# x1/ HC/ 25:05 (300m Row, 135#)

Andrew-185#/ 17:25 (165#)

Ty-160# x5 incline/ 200# x1 PC/ strength

Josh J.-200#/ 14:25 (135# HC)

Ben S.-200#/ 13:25 RX

Jane-63# x3 HC/ 26:34 (88#)

Shannon B.-53# x3 HC/ 23:00 (5rds Only, 53#, 200m)

Perry-185# x5 Incline/ 6rds+13 reps (95# Only)-Mon./ 19:09 (135#)

Charr-15:08 RX+(225#)

Tim F.-17:26 (5rds Only, 165#)

Barbara-65# x6 Bench strength

Matthew S.-335# x2 DL/ 14:38 RX

Jack-88# x2 HC/ 188# x DL/ strength

Scott P.-265#/ 17:02 (Rpw)

Justin-115#/ 22:15 (95#)

Heidi-70# x2 HC/ 18:17 (75#)

Christi-63# x3 HC/ 20:20 (63#)

Emily-63# x3 HC/ 24:47 (63#)

Zac S.-175#/ 13:11 RX

Candace-93#x1/ 19:24 (113#)

Shannon-98# x1/ 27:28 RX

Amy L.-16:02 RX

Kim-24:23 (115#)

Daven-80# x1/ 175# x2 DL

Asher-135#/ 22:15 (2rds @135#, 2rds @ 155#, 2rds @ 165#)

Chuck-145#/ 22:17 (135#)

Drew-100#/ 215# x2 DL/ strength

Brandon-115# x2/ 22:55 (115#)

Melissa-70# x2 HC/ 23:31 (63#)

Landen-190/180/170 (3x3+3+3)

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